Example Applications

Electric Vehicle Panel Application

The Electric Vehicle Panel example application demonstrates easy GUI application development using Electron and integration with readily-available Node.js application libraries.

In this application, a wall-mounted display shows the status of a connected Tesla Model S, X, 3, or Y automobile and allows for convenient control of various functions such as charging, windows, and climate controls.

Coming Soon:

  • public open-source GitHub repository
  • build instructions
  • demonstration video
  • preinstalled microSD card image

Timetrack Application

Coming soon: an adaptation of an open-source application for the Raspberry Pi to the PIQUE Smart Display module

WiFi Whitelist Application

The WiFi Whitelist application demonstrates how to quickly create a public or password-protected WiFi access point that allows the use of only a subset of websites. Useful for controlling and monitoring access by guests and children, the application also includes a real-time display of internet domains being accessed.

The application uses a variety of available open-source toolkits and operating system features and requires no software development.

Coming Soon:

  • overview
  • setup instructions
  • demonstration video
  • preinstalled microSD card image